
Madrid, Spain

1 Kosher places

1 Minyan

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Are you looking for some kosher cafe or a synagogue around madrid-ispaniya?

We found for you 1 places where to get kosher food and 1 minyans and synagogues .


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Kosher places

Cafes, Shops

Orio “Boutique del Pan”

Calle Bravo Murillo, 27, Madrid, Spain


Distance: 2.17 miles

The Jewish community in Madrid is the largest in Spain. Jews began to return to their original country after the repeal of the law on their deportation in 1968. At the same time, the Spanish-Orthodox community was given permission to build the first synagogue in Spain from the time of the Inquisition.
There are several synagogues in Madrid today, and the main synagogue “Beit Yaakov” also serves as the Jewish community center in the city.
Despite the lack of the historical Jewish places, Madrid has a wide infrastructure used by members of the current Jewish community. The central rabbinate, the Jewish school, mikvahs, kosher deli shops and restaurants - all serve those who follow traditions.
In addition to kosher food stores, a catering company at the synagogue offers custom-made kosher food delivery.

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Zmanim Time
Alot 03:54
Tallit 04:30
Netz 05:42
Shema MA 08:52
Shema GRO 09:28
Tfila GRO 10:43
Chatzot 13:14
Mincha Gdola MA 13:52
Mincha Ktana MA 17:38
Shkiah 20:47
Tzet haKochavim 21:33


14 Jun - 15 Jun, 2024

Candle ligthing 20:30
Havdalah 21:35


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