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Are you looking for some kosher bakery, restaurant, cafe, supermarket, synagogue, catering, butcher, hotel, shop, other or a synagogue around Jerusalem, Israel?
We found for you 0 places where to get kosher food and 305 minyans and synagogues .
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Jerusalem is a holy city for Jews, Muslims and Christian.
Jerusalem has many historical and archaeological sites, and the Old City is a pilgrims’ center for people from all over the world.
Jews make up the majority of the population in the capital of Israel. The city houses major government offices, Jewish university campuses, and numerous museums and theaters.
There is a synagogue in almost every Jewish quarter of Jerusalem and there are more than one hundred different synagogues in the whole city.
Jerusalem offers a huge variety of kosher restaurants, but you can get real culinary pleasure at the Mahane Yehuda market, which is the hallmark of the city.
There are many shops on the market offering fresh fruits and vegetables along with other kosher products.
In the market there are some authentic restaurants offering delicious food, the taste of which you will never forget.
Zmanim | Time |
Alot | 05:02 |
Tallit | 05:24 |
Netz | 06:15 |
Shema MA | 08:27 |
Shema GRO | 09:03 |
Tfila GRO | 10:00 |
Chatzot | 11:52 |
Mincha Gdola MA | 12:20 |
Mincha Ktana MA | 15:09 |
Shkiah | 17:30 |
Tzet haKochavim | 18:04 |
21 Feb - 22 Feb, 2025
Candle ligthing | 17:14 |
Havdalah | 18:07 |
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