
Budapest, Hungary

3 Kosher places

6 Minyans

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Are you looking for some kosher cafe or a synagogue around budapest-vengriya?

We found for you 3 places where to get kosher food and 6 minyans and synagogues .


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Kosher places


Jerusalem Point – Israeli Café

Budapest, Paulay Ede u. 16, 1061 Hungary

Source: Chabad Hungary

Distance: 1.33 miles


Fröhlich Confectionery Pastry Shop

Budapest, VII. kerület, Dob utca 22, Hungary

Source: Chabad Hungary

Distance: 1.58 miles

Restaurants, Cafes

Cari Mama - Milk Restaurant and Pizzeria

Budapest, Kazinczy u. 28, 1075 Hungary

Source: Chabad Hungary

Distance: 1.68 miles

The Jewish quarter of Budapest talks about the rich past of the extinct community and modern Jewish life in the capital of Hungary.
We advise you to visit various synagogues located in the Jewish quarter and appreciate the diversity of the community’s existence, its achievements and lifestyle.
The Great Synagogue is considered the largest in Europe and is a symbol of the importance of the Jewish community in Budapest.
Numerous tourists visit the Synagogue and do not stay indifferent to this significant feature of the Jewish culture.
Today, the Jewish Quarter is an entertainment district with many restaurants, coffee shops, pubs and shops.
Kosher restaurants and Deli shops that are selling kosher food are located near the synagogue. The menu is selected with "Jewish roots" in mind and with love for traditional Hungarian cuisine.

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Shema MA07:08
Shema GRO07:44
Tfila GRO09:03
Mincha Gdola MA12:20
Mincha Ktana MA16:17
Tzet haKochavim20:31


31 May - 01 Jun, 2024

Candle ligthing19:17


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