Portland USA

0 Kosher places

4 Minyans

Kosher Places Categories

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Are you looking for some kosher bakery, restaurant, cafe, supermarket, synagogue, catering, butcher, hotel, shop, other or a synagogue around Portland USA?

We found for you 0 places where to get kosher food and 4 minyans and synagogues .


Didn't find anything useful around Portland USA, feel free to search for a different location:

Kosher places

No kosher places in this area!

Nearest kosher place is located -Av Loma de la Palma #200, Punto CDI - Fuente de la Huerta 22 (Centro social Monte Sinai) Mexico.  Distance: 1618.94 miles


Didn't find anything useful around Portland USA, feel free to search for a different location:

Minyans places


chabad of oregon

2317 SW Vermont St, Portland, OR 97219, USA

Distance: 3.8 miles


northwest campus of jewish living

6612 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97239, USA

Distance: 3.91 miles


portland kollel

6688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219, USA

Distance: 4.05 miles


kesser israel

6698 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219, USA

Distance: 4.05 miles

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No eruvs in this area!

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Zmanim Time
Alot 05:38
Tallit 06:04
Netz 07:06
Shema MA 09:09
Shema GRO 09:45
Tfila GRO 10:38
Chatzot 12:24
Mincha Gdola MA 12:50
Mincha Ktana MA 15:29
Shkiah 17:42
Tzet haKochavim 18:24


21 Feb - 22 Feb, 2025

Candle ligthing 17:31
Havdalah 18:32


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