New York Bagel

9724 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77096


Ph: 713-723-5879 Hours: Sunday, 6:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Monday, 6:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Tuesday – Friday, 6:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Fresh-baked pareve pas yisroel bagels, challah, dairy muffins and cookies. Produce different dairy cream cheeses and assorted fish platters for events. All items in the refrigerators are kosher. The restaurant next door is NOT under supervision.

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Des informations détaillées

Journée Ouvrir Fermer


Lieux casher et Minyans sur la carte

Cliquez sur la case à cocher et voyez quels endroits sont autour de vous.

Trouvez d'autres endroits casher à proximité.

Jetez un oeil sur la liste suivante, vous trouverez peut-être des informations utiles sur les restaurants casher, les cafés, les synagogues et les eruvs situés à proximité New York Bagel

Lieux cachers


My Pita Bakery & Deli

9804 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77096

Source: Mehadrin Kashrus of Texas

Distance: 0.12 miles

Café, Boulangerie

My Pita Bakery & Deli

9806 Hillcroft, Houston TX 77096

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Distance: 0.13 miles

Restaurant, Restauration

Seven Acres

6200 N. Braeswood Houston, TX 77074

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Distance: 0.83 miles


Laykie's Gourmet Cafe at the J

5601 S. Braeswood Blvd. Houston, TX 77096

Source: Mehadrin Kashrus of Texas

Distance: 0.95 miles

Café, Boulangerie

Sabas Kosher Kitchen

9704 Fondren Road, Houston, TX 77096

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Distance: 1.41 miles


SABA'S Pizza Shop

9704 Fondren Road Houston, TX 77096

Source: Mehadrin Kashrus of Texas

Distance: 1.53 miles


H-E-B Pantry Foods

5417 S. Braeswood, Houston, TX 77096

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Distance: 1.58 miles


SABA'S Wok & Grill

5413 S. Braeswood Blvd Houston, TX 77096

Source: Mehadrin Kashrus of Texas

Distance: 1.6 miles



99 Braeswood Square, Houston, TX 77096

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Distance: 1.63 miles

Lieux de Minyans


anshei hatzaddik - breslov

5950 Braesheather Dr, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 0.32 miles


torch centre

9427 Glenfield Ct, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 0.36 miles


torah vachesed

5925 S Braeswood Blvd, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 0.37 miles


brays oaks bais medrash

10101 Fondren Rd, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 1.4 miles

torch @ meyerland minyan

9606 Chimney Rock Rd, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 1.64 miles


the meyerland minyan synagogue

9002 Chimney Rock Rd, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 1.72 miles


chabad lubavitch center

10900 Fondren Rd, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 2.06 miles


congregation beth rambam

11333 Braesridge Dr, Houston, TX 77071, USA

Distance: 2.66 miles



11811 Dandelion Ln, Houston, TX 77071, USA

Distance: 3.15 miles


kollel of houston

7823 Ludington Dr, Houston, TX 77071, USA

Distance: 3.34 miles

kollel of houston

7823 Ludington Dr, Houston, TX 77071, USA

Distance: 3.36 miles

charger plus



Young Israel of Houston

Houston, USA

Distance au centre : 2.99 miles