My Pita Bakery & Deli

9804 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77096


713-283-9200 Website Deli & Grill: Meat Glatt Kosher (Chassidishe Shechita available upon request), Bishul Yisroel & Pas Yisrael, Grilled Meats, Schwarma, Falafel, Salads

Source: Mehadrin Kashrus of Texas

Des informations détaillées

Journée Ouvrir Fermer
Dimanche 11:00 21:00
Lundi 11:00 21:00
Mardi 11:00 21:00
Mercredi 11:00 21:00
Jeudi 11:00 21:00
Vendredi 11:00 14:30


Lieux casher et Minyans sur la carte

Cliquez sur la case à cocher et voyez quels endroits sont autour de vous.

Trouvez d'autres endroits casher à proximité.

Jetez un oeil sur la liste suivante, vous trouverez peut-être des informations utiles sur les restaurants casher, les cafés, les synagogues et les eruvs situés à proximité My Pita Bakery & Deli

Lieux cachers

Café, Boulangerie

My Pita Bakery & Deli

9806 Hillcroft, Houston TX 77096

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Distance: 0.02 miles

Café, Boulangerie

New York Bagel

9724 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77096

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Distance: 0.12 miles


Laykie's Gourmet Cafe at the J

5601 S. Braeswood Blvd. Houston, TX 77096

Source: Mehadrin Kashrus of Texas

Distance: 0.9 miles

Restaurant, Restauration

Seven Acres

6200 N. Braeswood Houston, TX 77074

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Distance: 0.93 miles

Café, Boulangerie

Sabas Kosher Kitchen

9704 Fondren Road, Houston, TX 77096

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Distance: 1.47 miles


H-E-B Pantry Foods

5417 S. Braeswood, Houston, TX 77096

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Distance: 1.53 miles


SABA'S Wok & Grill

5413 S. Braeswood Blvd Houston, TX 77096

Source: Mehadrin Kashrus of Texas

Distance: 1.56 miles


SABA'S Pizza Shop

9704 Fondren Road Houston, TX 77096

Source: Mehadrin Kashrus of Texas

Distance: 1.6 miles



99 Braeswood Square, Houston, TX 77096

Source: Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Distance: 1.61 miles

Lieux de Minyans


anshei hatzaddik - breslov

5950 Braesheather Dr, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 0.43 miles


torch centre

9427 Glenfield Ct, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 0.48 miles


torah vachesed

5925 S Braeswood Blvd, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 0.48 miles


brays oaks bais medrash

10101 Fondren Rd, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 1.43 miles

torch @ meyerland minyan

9606 Chimney Rock Rd, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 1.6 miles


the meyerland minyan synagogue

9002 Chimney Rock Rd, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 1.71 miles


chabad lubavitch center

10900 Fondren Rd, Houston, TX 77096, USA

Distance: 2.03 miles


congregation beth rambam

11333 Braesridge Dr, Houston, TX 77071, USA

Distance: 2.61 miles



11811 Dandelion Ln, Houston, TX 77071, USA

Distance: 3.1 miles


kollel of houston

7823 Ludington Dr, Houston, TX 77071, USA

Distance: 3.3 miles

kollel of houston

7823 Ludington Dr, Houston, TX 77071, USA

Distance: 3.31 miles

charger plus



Young Israel of Houston

Houston, USA

Distance au centre : 2.96 miles