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Vous cherchez une liste casher: une liste ou une synagogue autour de 158-shaftesbury-ave-london-uk?
Nous avons trouvé pour vous 0 est un endroit où trouver de la nourriture casher et 173 minyans and synagogues et l'événement num_eruvs eruvs dans la zone .
Vous n'avez rien trouvé d'utile autour de 158-shaftesbury-ave-london-uk, n'hésitez pas à chercher un autre emplacement:
Vous n'avez rien trouvé d'utile autour de 158-shaftesbury-ave-london-uk, n'hésitez pas à chercher un autre emplacement:
32 Hatton Garden, Holborn, London EC1N 8DH, UK
Distance: 1.54 miles
104 Horseferry Rd, Westminster, London SW1P 2EE, UK
Distance: 2.12 miles
Jews settled in London over a thousand years ago. There are many synagogues in the capital, most of which are Orthodox.
The Jewish community of London is active and prosperous. In the capital there are many kosher deli shops and restaurants, as well as mikvahs, Chabad houses and everything you need to observe the Jewish way of life.
A variety of kosher restaurants serving Indian, Asian, Mexican and Israeli dishes are located in the Golders Green area, where many Jews and Israelis live.
Kosher products are sold at a number of supermarket chains in London, but the majority of kosher stores are located in the Stamford Hill area, which is the home of the ultra-orthodox community.
The Bevis Marks Synagogue is one of the symbols of the Jewish history in Britain - it is the oldest in the whole kingdom. The building was built in 1701 and continued to operate continuously for more than 300 years.
Zmanim | Heure |
Alot | 05:41 |
Tallit | 06:11 |
Netz | 07:22 |
Shema MA | 09:12 |
Shema GRO | 09:48 |
Tfila GRO | 10:36 |
Chatzot | 12:14 |
Mincha Gdola MA | 12:38 |
Mincha Ktana MA | 15:04 |
Shkiah | 17:06 |
Tzet haKochavim | 17:54 |
14 Feb - 15 Feb, 2025
Éclairage de bougie | 16:46 |
Havdalah | 17:54 |
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