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Vous cherchez une liste casher: une liste ou une synagogue autour de 1016-cory-ave-west-hollywood-ca-90069-usa?
Nous avons trouvé pour vous 0 est un endroit où trouver de la nourriture casher et 136 minyans and synagogues et l'événement num_eruvs eruvs dans la zone .
Vous n'avez rien trouvé d'utile autour de 1016-cory-ave-west-hollywood-ca-90069-usa, n'hésitez pas à chercher un autre emplacement:
Vous n'avez rien trouvé d'utile autour de 1016-cory-ave-west-hollywood-ca-90069-usa, n'hésitez pas à chercher un autre emplacement:
9261 Alden Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA
Distance: 1.59 miles
Jacob Frankfurt was the first Jew to set foot in Los Angeles in 1841 and since then, the existence of the “Jewish” Los Angeles began.
In the 1920s, Jewish immigrants from Iran also settled in the area and significantly influenced the character of the Jewish community.
Today, most Jews live in Westside and in the San Fernando Valley. Many Jewish families also live in the western part of the city.
In the east of the city is the Jewish Museum and Community Center, formerly served as a synagogue. This synagogue was considered the largest synagogue in the area.
The city of Angels has plenty of restaurants and bakeries. Los Angeles offers a wide selection of kosher restaurants and kosher deli shops.
Zmanim | Heure |
Alot | 05:30 |
Tallit | 05:53 |
Netz | 06:46 |
Shema MA | 08:50 |
Shema GRO | 09:26 |
Tfila GRO | 10:20 |
Chatzot | 12:07 |
Mincha Gdola MA | 12:33 |
Mincha Ktana MA | 15:14 |
Shkiah | 17:28 |
Tzet haKochavim | 18:04 |
07 Feb - 08 Feb, 2025
Éclairage de bougie | 17:14 |
Havdalah | 18:09 |
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